3 merits towards outdoor learning

While you settle your kids learning during this summer, take the merits of the better weather and mix in fewer out-door knowledge. Not just will you be capable to soak-up a little sun, but it might be potential for your kid to study and enjoy out-doors! Here're 3 of the most potentials that arrive with learning in nature.

Upgrade to retention and engagement.

The assumption that learning outdoors would lead to more distractions among kids is common, but scientific research suggests the opposite. For instance, a study of 3rd grade classes in 2018 revealed that students demonstrated higher engagement with the lesson following outdoor learning. One striking finding from the research indicated that, after outdoor learning, the frequency of teachers needing to interrupt and redirect students during indoor instruction reduced to half of the normal rates!

Furthermore, outdoor learning has been shown to contribute to better retention of learned material. For example, in a study involving Swedish high school students learning biology, those who had six outdoor lessons were found to have better recollection of the content compared to the ones with only a single or two outdoor sessions.

Less stress plus fine health.

Spending time in nature is widely known to have various benefits, and its positive effect on health is truly noteworthy. Studies indicate that being in nature can improve sleep and strengthen the immune system, both of which are crucial for the growth of young minds. Moreover, research has demonstrated that natural environments can lower stress levels, making outdoor learning an important resource in aiding children to develop resilience.

Extra more fun.

Many children find the outdoors more thrilling. According to a study on Swedish high school students, the students expressed greater enthusiasm for their classes when they were taught outside. They appreciated the break from their usual indoor routines and felt more driven to focus and complete their tasks. 

Furthermore, outdoor learning provides ample opportunities to make lessons more interactive. There is plenty of room to move around, natural resources that can be used as educational tools, and flora and fauna to ignite curiosity! Below are some suggestions for hands-on activities to reinforce math skills, literacy, and more.

When the weather allows, consider taking your child to a park or green area to enhance their summer learning experience!

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