Privacy Policy


This is our policy for the collection, use, and disclosure of the data that Helparticles education, Inc. ("Helparticles education", "we", "us", or "our") gathers via the Helparticles education website; our mobile applications, Bookbuilder, FunFinder, and Helparticles education Math and Reading Lessons (collectively, the "Apps"); our browser extensions and other web extension apps, like the Helparticles education and Helparticles education Kids Google Web Store App; and the services that are made available through our Website, Apps, and other applications (these services, along with the Website, Apps, and applications, are collectively referred to as the "Services"). Our policy is applicable to all of our users, including those under the age of thirteen.

By accessing our website or making use of any of our apps or services, you consent to the handling of any information we obtain about you or from you through our services in accordance with this privacy policy. This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, which include any relevant restrictions on damages and dispute resolution procedures, govern your use of our Services and any privacy issue. This privacy policy incorporates the Helparticles education, Inc. Terms of Use by reference.

Info of which we do collect

We might get information about you automatically by using our services, from third parties, and directly from you. We might compile data gathered from or about you from these different sources.

Info we do gather straight from you (visitor)

There are several places on our Services where we directly collect information from you, as is generally described below.


Visitors to our Services can currently access certain content without signing up as a member. To become a member, you must register if you want to access some community features, rate editorial content, download worksheets, participate in digital learning activities, or alter or personalize any of the content. A working email address and password are required for registration, along with a few more bits of voluntary information about yourself (such as your "type"—parent, teacher, or student—as well as your school, grade level, zip code, and other details).

Premium Services

We require additional personal, billing, or other specified information in order to charge for and activate the service or product, so please register for any paid offerings (such as Helparticles education Pro, Plus, and Workbooks - to be here soon) if you'd like to access them. Consumers that buy one or more of our premium products will be required to give us some basic personal data about their kids, like their screen name.

Public Forums: Blogs plus Comments

We offer Blogs and Comments as a service to our users, allowing others with similar interests to communicate, support, and exchange information. Users can also evaluate our products and leave comments on editorial content. The public can access information published in blogs and through comment postings. Third parties that violate our terms of use or this privacy policy may read, disclose, or collect this information, or they may use it to send you unsolicited emails. Additionally, if allowed by law, we may keep your information for as long as it takes to settle disputes, offer customer service, and troubleshoot issues. Prior to divulging any personal information in a public forum, you should give it great thought.


You could occasionally be requested to take part in surveys, which are often meant to gather broad data, such your thoughts on a specific article or feature set on our website. Participation in these surveys is voluntary since the data collected is linked to specific customers and used internally to enhance our services or better promote them.

Contests plus Sweepstakes

We occasionally run sweepstakes or competitions where registration requires the disclosure of certain personal information in order to authenticate the entries and reach the winners. This information will be given to any third parties handling the contest or sweepstakes administration. Participants may, however, use contest names that are different from their User Names, and the data is unrelated to their User Names.

Extra Info You Give Via Our Services

Your name, email address, work title, phone number, name of your school or organization, account type, payment type, and any messages you send through our services are among the various details we will get from you.

Info We Take from Third Parties

You can register with us by signing in with some accounts from third parties, like Clever, Amazon, Google, and Facebook. You authorize Helparticles education to access the following information from your third-party account when you log in: your name, email address, and public profile ID. This permission is granted by using the third-party account to log in.

Info Automatically Collected

Databases, server logs Some of the tools we use to collect and store information include databases, server logs, local storage (such browser web storage or application data caches), cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies., local storage—such as browser web storage or application data caches—cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies are some of the technologies we employ to gather and retain information. A user's IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system, web pages seen while logged in, links clicked, amount of time spent on our services, and the webpage that referred them to our services are just a few examples of the information that could go under this category. We shall further gather data regarding user activity on our services, including the games a user plays, the quantity of right and wrong answers, and download history.

Cookies plus more extra tracking means

The only cookies we will place on your device, if you are a user residing in the United Kingdom (UK) or the European Economic Area (EEA), are "strictly necessary cookies," of which are termed to be critical towards operation of our live services and website at large. Although you can disable these cookies by adjusting your browser's settings, doing so may affect how our services are provided since they are necessary for the proper functioning of our website. Regarding the kinds of cookies we will install on your device, please refer to the sections below for users from the rest of the globe.

Our way of tracking

Tracking data is automatically collected through the use of "cookies," and it includes both aggregated and individual tracking information. 

Cookies are used by us in a number of ways to monitor how users navigate our services. Initially, the personal data we collect is utilized exclusively for internal objectives, such seeing a member's profile. In order to monitor the use of our products, identify trends in the use of our services, and give anonymous usage reports to both internal and external clients, we also aggregately use tracking information.To guard against manipulation, all of our cookies are encoded and have a distinct digital signature. Passwords for users are not included in them. We also use a technique called "action tags"—sometimes called "web beacons" or "one pixel.gif files"—to track how successful our adverts are.

Press on "Internet Options" or even the "Preferences" from your browser's menu-bar to control your browser's settings on cookies. This will enable you to turn off cookies completely, stop your browser from accepting new ones, and receive notifications when a new cookie is received. On the other hand, while cookies make it simple for you to access our Services without having to continuously enter your User Name and password, we advise that you 

Tracking done by our own contractors plus agents

We collect and analyze consumer usage data with the help of third-party online business improvement tools, such as Google Analytics. In order to deliver their services to us, these service providers operate as limited agents. Any data that these third parties may collect from us or our users is and will continue to be our property, as governed by this privacy statement. Except as provided in our agreements with these service providers or as may be mandated by law, we do not allow these service providers to examine, share, distribute, publish, or rename any data session of audiences of our own services. We advise you to read over the to find out more about these service providers' privacy policies.

Tracking done by Our Very Advertisers

Numerous industries are represented among our advertisers, including financial services providers (banks, brokerage houses, mortgage companies, etc.), computer and software manufacturers, automakers, toy manufacturers, and retail establishments. Targeted adverts are displayed by our advertising providers and advertisers. You agree to the chance that the advertiser may believe you fulfill the requirements used to target the ad by engaging with or clicking on an advertisement, even though we do not give any personal information to the advertiser or advertising vendor.

Ads that are served by advertisers and advertising vendors on our services or other services may use their own cookies or other tracking technologies in addition to the ones set by us or our agents, as previously mentioned. We have no control over the privacy policies or practices of any such vendors or advertisements.

Please check the policies on each of these companies' websites to learn more about their privacy practices. You can choose not to have any information collected or analyzed by these companies by following the procedures provided in their privacy policies.
  • Google AdX
  • Brealtime
  • Yieldbot
  • AOL
  • Appnexus
  • Sovrn

Third-party businesses may show advertisements and/or collect certain anonymous data when you use our services. This information may include non-personally identifiable details (such as click stream information, browser type, time and date, and the subject of ads clicked or viewed) from your visits to our Services and other websites or applications. The purpose is to show you ads about products and services that are likely to interest you more. To obtain this data, these businesses typically use cookies or third-party web beacons. If you want to find out more about this type of advertising or opt-out, you can visit the relevant website.

Disclosure of Do-Not Track 

We don't use our services in response to Do Not Track signals. Please go here for additional details regarding Do Not Track signals.

Info way of usage

In the following ways, we make use of your data, including personal data:

Provision of Our Services

Our use of your information includes personalizing content for you, handling payments and orders, enhancing our offerings, creating new features, goods, or services, verifying user identity, carrying out technical tasks like software updates, and other service and support-related activities.

Free Newsletters

In the event that you have registered as a member, we will utilize the email address you provide to send you complimentary email newsletters with links to our social media profiles, website, and apps as well as editorial and educational content. By going to your Email preferences page, you can choose which free emails you would like to receive and unsubscribe from our free newsletter delivery list at any time.

Special Offers plus Ads

We might occasionally send special offers and advertisements for goods and services that we or other companies are offering to Helparticles educate members who have registered. When we do this, we promise not to give any of your personal information to these third parties. To opt out of receiving offers and adverts from third parties, kindly modify your selections on your email preferences page.


We use your information to get in touch with you (including via email) with how you, or the kids linked to your account, are using our services. We also use it to offer you updates on new products and services, answer your questions, and carry out other marketing, promotional, and informational activities.

Webinars plus Events

We will utilize your email address if you register for a Helparticles education webinar or event in order to send you pertinent alerts about the webinar or event.

Research plus Analytics

In addition to using your information for various research, analytical, and statistical reasons, we also use it to monitor and evaluate usage and activity trends, as well as to study how users engage with our services.

Protection of Rights plus Interests

We utilize your information to safeguard your safety, rights, property, or overall security, as well as that of Helparticles education, the Services, any third party, or the general public. It is used to identify, prevent, or otherwise deal with instances of fraud, security breaches, or technical issues. Additionally, we employ it to deter or halt activities that Helparticles education, at its own discretion, may deem to be or pose a risk of being an illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity. Furthermore, the information may be used as evidence in legal proceedings and to uphold this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

Legal Compliance

The information provided by you is used to fulfill our legal or regulatory responsibilities, which may include involvement in legal proceedings. It is also used to address subpoenas, warrants, court orders, or other legal requirements, as well as to participate in investigations or respond to formal or informal inquiries from law enforcement or government authorities.

Choice plus Opt-out

Opting Out of Marketing Communications

Members can uncheck the corresponding boxes on the Email preferences page to cease receiving updates, notifications, and/or newsletters. The newsletters, email notices, and updates will all contain information about unsubscribing from these messages.

By visiting your member profile page or getting in touch with us at [email protected]  you may control, amend, or remove the personal data you have submitted. We may comply by terminating your membership and deleting your account information if you wish to limit how we use or disclose your personal information. Please be advised that opt-out requests do not impact information that has already been revealed; they can only be fulfilled for requests to stop disclosures of information going future.

In addition, if it's necessary or allowed by law for us to do so for proper business objectives, we might keep some information about you on file. For instance, even though you ask us to remove your information, if we think you have broken our terms of use, we might keep some information on you to try to work things out before deleting it.

Disclosures of the Info

With the exception of providing you with goods or services, obtaining your consent, or in the situations specified below, we do not sell or otherwise disclose the personal information about you that was previously described to unaffiliated parties (such as businesses, authorities, institutions, or individuals). Your personal information is never given to outside parties for their own marketing initiatives.

  • with other users of our services so that we can deliver our services, like sharing a child's information with a parent, teacher, or school administrator so that they may keep track of the child's progress using our services;
  • To organizations outside of our network that we hire as contractors or representatives to carry out tasks on our behalf, like managing our software, systems, and website; conducting direct mail campaigns; or running competitions or sweepstakes. Your information will only be shared with these contractors to the extent that is legitimately required for them to carry out services on our behalf in accordance with our Privacy Policy;
  • In compliance with subpoenas, court orders, or legal process issued by state and federal authorities, law enforcement agencies, or as otherwise mandated by law;
  • To enforce our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, as well as to exercise or defend our legal rights with regard to preventing fraud;
  • To safeguard the rights, assets, or well-being of ourselves or third parties, encompassing the identification, prevention, or resolution of fraud, security, or technological concerns, or any other matter that could be deemed unlawful, immoral, or subject to legal action;
  • When there is a clear or implicit threat, we will take appropriate action to try to stop others from suffering bodily or psychological injury, as well as damage to their property;
  • In relation to a corporate merger, acquisition, asset purchase, or other transaction or proceeding that involves all or a portion of the business or assets covered by the information, whether it be current or proposed; and
  • To other businesses, such direct marketers who work on our behalf, or other organizations with whom we have cooperative marketing arrangements.

Additionally, we might share de-identified, anonymous, or aggregate user data for marketing, advertising, compliance, research, and other uses.


We have put protections in place to keep the data we gather safe. Please be advised that no data security mechanism can provide 100% protection, no matter how hard we try.

Choosing a strong password that only you know or can readily figure out, keeping your log-in and password private, and signing off after using a shared computer are some of the precautions you should take to prevent unauthorized access to your password, phone, and computer. We disclaim all liability for any lost, stolen, or compromised passwords as well as for any unauthorized password activity that may have occurred on your account.

We urge parents, educators, and school administrators to have conversations with their kids on internet safety and self-defense. Visit Protecting Kids Online, a resource provided by the Federal Trade Commission, for additional details. We shall notify visitors to our website of any changes we make to this privacy statement.

Updates in this Privacy Policy

Kindly examine our Privacy Policy before exposing any personal information on one of our services, as we retain the right to amend it at anytime. A means to opt out of any new uses or disclosures of personal information we have obtained from you will be provided if we make changes that significantly impact our usage or disclosures of that information.

Your personal relations with the rest of the companies

Links to websites and applications owned by third parties may be present in Our Services. Please be aware that your independent interactions with other businesses that occasionally may offer you goods and services or that are otherwise linked from on our Services are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Your personal information provided to those companies will be collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with their privacy policies.

Additionally, occasionally one of our advertising partners will poll our users; in that instance, you would give the advertising partner your information directly. The advertising partner may use these surveys, and participation is entirely voluntary. Information freely submitted in response to a survey or poll is not guaranteed to remain private by us.


Effective Date: January 1, 2023